How I work

Daily recording practice Primary Health System (PHS) starts the process of brain and body realignment and setting the tone for personal differentiation with awareness. The experience is highly individual with the deepest layers of body /mind conditioning pulled to the surface, for which reason I guide my clients to set a daily recording practice in a log/ journal. Daily recording practice is part and parcel of working with me.

Potential long-term process The basic format is designed for people who enjoy a structured guided plan over a period of time. My experience as a transformation guide is based on long-term research into differentiation and working very closely with people for 6 - 18 months. Although I highly recommend the longer time frame in support of this individual process, the general format is designed to accommodate people with different needs. Please note that I do not offer one-off readings, however a package of three sessions as taster programs is available to those who wish to dip their toes in the experiment and see how it goes.

Programs and sessions The plan of our work together will be mostly based on a progression through the four transformations, as outlined on The Transformation Journey page. You can start with the short taster programs ( 3 sessions at a time), or you can step into the four transformations process if you feel ready to dive into the deep end with extra layers of learning and information (six sessions at a time on a renewable basis). Either way, you can supplement each step with additional sessions as necessary. The difference between the two options lies in your intent and readiness - and there is a difference in the price. 

There are a few short term programs that serve as an extra tool-kit for those who are moving through the transformation steps, including The Not Self Deck and Weak Point Dreaming on the Rave Psychology page. The Resonance Alignment programs are only available to those who have completed the four transformations and who have a solid experience of their individual food regimen.

Holistic Analysis is a trip in and of itself. As above, the program is available to those who are moving through the four transformations and who have a solid experience of their individual food regimen.

Work structure and timeline  There is no time limit on any of the transformation steps and we move according to your individual pace. Sessions are typically held every week with a weekly email report based on your journaling observations.

Fee structure [£ pound sterling] Taster programs ~ 3 sessions £375;  Transformation steps ~ 6 sessions £660 per step / or £600 if repeating a set of 6 sessions (for the same step);  Additional one-off consultations (once you have completed a series of sessions) £115 each; Specialized short programs priced separately; Clarity session for those who wish to explore how best to start ~ £135.

Before we start  Stepping into your PHS experiment requires choosing the right guide and supporter for you. Working with me includes regular meetings during which you will be sharing your physical, mental and emotional process while you move through various shifts. Before you start you will be asked to fill in a questionnaire to describe aspects of your life-style that are relevant to our process.

New to human design If you are new to human design and have not yet had a foundation reading, this would be the first step for you. You are welcome to enquire about an overview chart analysis with me ~ 2 sessions £285.

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