The temple

This was my view on a warm summer night a few weeks ago, just before the full moon. The moon seemed to be mirroring the light in the farm house down the road, where a busy and jolly family lives with their children and dogs. The parents are always out and about carting stuff back and forth from the fields, and the kids often ride bikes and tractors with excitable dogs behind. A sweet tribal home portrait.

It looks like a fitting image for “Home is where the heart is”, and given that the theme for this blog is inspired by gate 46 - now in the sun - and part of the cross of The Vessel of Love, I thought it might be an opportune moment to explore some observations I have around place, direction and self love. And of course - differentiation and transformation.

Gate 46 is the gate of ‘love of the body’ and its keynote is ‘Pushing Upward’. It forms part of the channel of Discovery with its harmonic gate 29 and it’s also associated with serendipity. The serendipity of success that is also the result of effort and dedication. Of course it’s not the dedication of the mind trying to figure out what to do next, or where to go and when.

It’s dedication to self alignment that brings about the reward of being in the right place at the right time.

What’s particularly interesting about place and being in the right place, is that it truly reflects love for the body. The body is naturally loved by not having to constantly deal with resistance. Also, being in the right place means easy access to correct food and information intake, more protection and the ability to deal with conditioning.

Having my G centre undefined I have always been fascinated by the themes of place, direction and identity. I have always wondered how people somehow ‘slot’ into place somewhere. Every time I travel I watch people and their homes, especially those who seem to belong in a community and to grow roots. It has never been my experience personally, although I have a deeply tribal design, and so the human design knowledge brought me a welcome relief.

I don’t have to figure out where I am supposed to be. Life takes care of that for me. I have been living in the same place now for nearly a decade with my partner. I have hardly traveled in the last three years and am noticing that my body is happy staying in one place for now, which happens to be a ‘Mountain’ environment. Also, my correct food intake has been very consistent without the disturbance that can take place during travel.

It doesn’t mean that everyone experimenting with their PHS should stay put. The serendipity of being in the correct place, with strategy and authority, brings a sense of resonance and the body gets what it needs for its health and survival.

The determination to accept that one is in the right place is deeply spiritual. It is surrender to the cycle and in that surrender is the potential of discovery.

This quote is from the Rave I-Ching for gate 46 and I particularly love the first line. Accepting that one is in the right place is deeply spiritual, especially now that we are seeing many changes in the world with increased limitations on various levels. More and more people are looking to move or to emigrate to new places for future security, without the benefit of understanding their human design.

I know people on the human design path who’s life circumstances recently made them ‘homeless’, not because they are materially poor, but because they ceased resonating with the old places and the careers they had had, and they are waiting to see where life takes them next. It's not always easy to be patient and discerning with strategy and inner authority, especially when there is time pressure and tension.

Waiting, no matter what your type and design and the acceptance of not knowing - is deeply spiritual. After all, here is where the body is, and it is the surrender that brings the potential of discovery which the mind could never dream of.

Meanwhile, we can watch the moon and marvel at its beauty. And we can also marvel at how none of this is in our hands.

Home is where the body is. Love your body.