Rave Psychology - an extra tool-kit

Rave psychology provides knowledge and awareness of your correct perspective and motivation - steps three and four in the Transformation journey. The following short programs offer additional layers of information about the mechanics of mind, with more tools to help you find psychological balance and mastering conscious awareness on your differentiated journey.

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The Not-Self Deck and Story Line

Primary mapping technique of the quantum illusion • The hierarchy of not-self decision making and compulsive blind spots

In my experience, the deeper we move into differentiation, the deeper layers of conditioning begin to surface. This program complements the Rave Psychology transformation steps of Perspective and Motivation by adding key information from the Not Self Deck mapping system with its ‘hot spots’. We will also explore the nodal story line themes and the links between your environment and seeing - unveiling additional layers in your story. Available to those who have completed the transformation journey.

Three sessions (1 hour) £375


Weak-point dreaming

Getting up on the ‘wrong’ side ~ sleep time programming that’s likely to override your correct decision making, and the role of a well nourished brain.

Explore your Weak Point dreaming at waking time and the conditioning- based feelings and impulses that are likely to color your day - every day. For those who have completed their 1st step of transformation with the PHS food regimen, we will also explore the link between correct food intake, your brain and the capacity to 'transition’ successfully from the sleeping state.

Two sessions (1 - 1.5 hours) £285