The Transformation Journey 

The  Transformation journey will take you through the following four steps, each phase a revelatory process of self discovery in harmony with the others.


Your determination is your correct food regimen, the first transformation step which holds the key to your brain and metabolic process. Eating correctly in alignment with your strategy & authority will awaken your sense of environmental resonance - the second transformation.  Once your correct environment is felt and recognised as part of your natural life-style, you are better able to experience your correct view, ie, what you are here to see - the third transformation. Finally, your motivation emerges as the fourth transformation and this is where we have fun educating your mind to observing its own movement, in and out of conditioning, using the wealth of your experiences during the four transformation steps.

Price for each step: minimum six session (1 hour) £660 / or £600 if repeating a set of 6 sessions (for the same step) after completing the initial one;  Additional one-off sessions (once you have completed a series of sessions) £115 each.

Would you like to step into your first transformation experience? Let's connect and decide together - email me here



1st step • PHS ~ DETERMINATION. Your natural way of selecting nourishment and digesting

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Stepping into your PHS experiment with your correct eating regimen not only helps clear the brain and lighten the metabolic process over time, but it also helps to sharpen your senses and cognitive capacity. The journey requires clear commitment based on your strategy and authority. This first transformation is the most significant step as it kick-starts the process of your natural alignment on all levels, starting with your physical body.

We will explore some the following topics:

• How you are designed to take food and your digestive needs • Your eating regimen as a reflection of your deeper nature • Your cognitive potential as the key sensory theme • Your brain/body type and its natural function • Your rave biology themes

This program extends and deepens the three-session taster program, with added information about your brain style and your cognitive super-sense.  If you started your journey with me by taking the taster mini-program, you can book the additional three sessions at the same rate.


2nd step • PHS ~ ENVIRONMENT. Your resonant and restorative environment


Your correct environment can be both a situational place and a state of natural alignment for your vehicle, reached through operating with clear strategy and authority - and sharpened by eating according to your regimen. Being in your correct environment brings a restorative sense of resonance that deepens your wellbeing and inner harmony. This six-session program is for those who have experimented with their PHS eating regimen for at least three months.

We will explore some the following topics:

• Your natural body recovery zone • How to recognise your optimal environment for purpose fulfilment • How your PHS and correct environment can help protect you from negative conditioning • Your internal and external variable themes • Your external sensory theme as signpost


3rd step • Rave Psychology ~ VIEW. Your natural perspective

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The third transformation step is the start of Rave Psychology.  What you see determines how you perceive the life around you and yourself in it. What you see is also naturally impacted by the state of your brain and body as well as your environmental resonance.  In this third transformation step you will be guided to include your PHS and environment experience as part of your learning observations about your view. 

We will explore the following topics:

• The mechanics of the mind  •  How and what you are designed to see  • How to recognise distraction and distorted view • Your cognitive viewing quality • Themes to observe as guidelines


4th step • Rave Psychology ~ MOTIVATION. Your mental awareness


Your motivation is your personality compass setting you on the path of purpose fulfillment. Motivation mirrors the natural movement of your mind as it swings like a pendulum between conditioning and awareness, and observed as a discernment and navigation tool. In this fourth transformation step you will be guided to include your PHS, environment and seeing experiences as part of understanding and recognizing your correct motivation.

We will explore the following topics:

• Motivation as a signpost  •  Color transference - how to recognise your false sense of motivation  • Your mental cognitive potential • Your trajectory journey as reflection of your correct motivation and purpose • How your mind is designed to operate at its best

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